Thursday, 30 January 2014
Wednesday, 29 January 2014
Research blogging post
3 Teen movies of choice
kick Ass
The use of sound in the opening scene of this film starts off with a narrator talking about what 'superheroes' tend to think they are capable of doing .This portrays to the audience how dangerous and risky it is to try and save others lives even though it is a good thing .
The use of a narrator and the recorded radio speech puts the audience in the position of being in the film and more interested in comic books.
The type of sound used is dramatic in the beginning , which foreshadows what could happen latter on in the film.
Angus thongs and perfect snogging
The use of sound in Angus thongs and perfect snogging is quirky and almost based around being happy and in a good mood .Then it eventually becomes faster with the soundtrack of the band Scouting for girls.
Mainly it targets young teenage girls as most of the soundtracks are of boy bands singing about girls and relationships .
It starts of dramatic in the beginning and increases as something 'awkward' had happened in the party .It places most teenagers in that position as they feel like that same thing is happening in their lives to .
Monday, 27 January 2014
Individual Task 2
3 Teen movies that have different target audiences is a 2010 British crime thriller film. The story focuses mainly upon 4 19 year old friends who get caught up in gang violence, theft and criminal activities. These 4 girls seem to be very vulnerable however the girl power kicks in and they overcome their difficulties. The target audience is mainly for young teens coming from a urban background but is a Crime thriller that will entertain many.
Mean Girls
Mean girls is mainly targeted for girls between the ages of about 14-20. Mean Girls is a 2004 American teen comedy film where the new girl tries to take down the popular girls and also get the guy. The film is full of comedy and a bit of romance. The film also shows all the different groups/cliques; which all portray the common US school stereotypes.
Kidulthood is a 2006 British drama film about the life of several teenagers in Ladbroke Grove and Latimer Road area of inner west London. The majority of the characters in the film generally behave in a violent and lawless manner. They are portrayed as being reckless and antisocial young people who commit crimes such as petty theft and serious violence. The film also showcases how the characters engage in recreational drug taking behavior. The target audience is mainly for young teens coming from a urban background.
Order of Titles- Explanation
Order of Titles
During the beginning of the film the order of titles is usually the same no matter how big budget or small budget the movie the order title is the same. For example, some films may have the directors during the beginning of the opening. Also if they are a well known they're names might appear twice to credit them. Actors will also be shown to also credit them and give emphasis to them. Also, everyone else that have been named and is associated with the film is all displayed to credit them and gives some recognition.
During the beginning of the film the order of titles is usually the same no matter how big budget or small budget the movie the order title is the same. For example, some films may have the directors during the beginning of the opening. Also if they are a well known they're names might appear twice to credit them. Actors will also be shown to also credit them and give emphasis to them. Also, everyone else that have been named and is associated with the film is all displayed to credit them and gives some recognition.
An example, The Roommates
- Screen Ident of the distributor (Screen Gems)
- Distributor title presents ...
- Title of production company ( Vertigo Entertainment )
- Title of film (The Roomate )
- Name of star actors
- Casting by ...
- Costume designer
- Music Supervision By..
- Music By...
- Edited By ...
- Production Designer
- Director of photography
- Executive Producers
- Produced By ...
- Written By ...
- Name of Director
Sunday, 26 January 2014
Shot by shot remake- comparison
Compare your version of the 'Breakfast club' with the original version.
In our version of the remake of The Breakfast Club, we only had 4 people in our group whilst there were 9 characters in total in the scene we were given, however we managed to find extras who played the remaining characters in order to keep it similar to the original. For example, Janet played Claire, David as Andrew, Akbar as John and myself as Allison but there were also characters such as Brian, his mother and sister and Andrew's father in the scene provided. As a group we decided to play more than one character and also found fellow college students to play other roles such as Brian and Andrew's father.
In the original, they had one person each to play the role of one character compared to us having to play more than one role. They also had actors who were suitable for the role in terms of appearance e.g. an older person to play as parents and teachers etc.
For our location, we were only allowed inside the college, which was difficult as most scenes were shot outside in the original, however we managed to improvise and change a few things up however still keeping the same plot in mind e.g. for scenes inside a car, we used the canteen area which has chairs to make it look like car seats etc.
In the original version, they also used a college as their main location, however they also used the entrance of the college for the car scenes and the students entering and also had a larger classroom.
For props we tried our best to get similar props used in the original such as empty bottles, empty crisp packets and other sorts of litter, graffiti, paper with words written on it etc.
Costume: We also tried to find costumes closest the ones in the original such as Andrew's sport/jersey jacket, Claire's feminine clothing, John's long jacket and Allison's dark costume to reflect her personality.
Editing: For editing, we tried our best again to get it close to the original in terms of the credits at the beginning we used the same titles e.g. 'Costume Designer' but used our names instead also the same colour as the original. Due to the fact we only had 4 people in our group, we had to again repeat our names for different roles.
However in the original, they had different people for different roles as they obviously had more people.
Music: We used the same music as the original which is by Simple Minds- Don't you forget about me
In our version of the remake of The Breakfast Club, we only had 4 people in our group whilst there were 9 characters in total in the scene we were given, however we managed to find extras who played the remaining characters in order to keep it similar to the original. For example, Janet played Claire, David as Andrew, Akbar as John and myself as Allison but there were also characters such as Brian, his mother and sister and Andrew's father in the scene provided. As a group we decided to play more than one character and also found fellow college students to play other roles such as Brian and Andrew's father.
In the original, they had one person each to play the role of one character compared to us having to play more than one role. They also had actors who were suitable for the role in terms of appearance e.g. an older person to play as parents and teachers etc.
For our location, we were only allowed inside the college, which was difficult as most scenes were shot outside in the original, however we managed to improvise and change a few things up however still keeping the same plot in mind e.g. for scenes inside a car, we used the canteen area which has chairs to make it look like car seats etc.
In the original version, they also used a college as their main location, however they also used the entrance of the college for the car scenes and the students entering and also had a larger classroom.
For props we tried our best to get similar props used in the original such as empty bottles, empty crisp packets and other sorts of litter, graffiti, paper with words written on it etc.
Costume: We also tried to find costumes closest the ones in the original such as Andrew's sport/jersey jacket, Claire's feminine clothing, John's long jacket and Allison's dark costume to reflect her personality.
Editing: For editing, we tried our best again to get it close to the original in terms of the credits at the beginning we used the same titles e.g. 'Costume Designer' but used our names instead also the same colour as the original. Due to the fact we only had 4 people in our group, we had to again repeat our names for different roles.
However in the original, they had different people for different roles as they obviously had more people.
Music: We used the same music as the original which is by Simple Minds- Don't you forget about me
Thursday, 23 January 2014
1) Task:
Our task during the lesson was to find music from the website called 'creative commons' which would be suitable for the short clip provided from a teen movie called 'Submarine'.
We learnt that it is important that we use sound that is copyright free because of the consequences such as breaking the law.
We firstly opened up final cut pro to import the provided clip...
2) The concept behind creative commons
Step by step guide on how to use creative commons and download the sound you want LEGALLY!
This is the first page you will see when you're on the Creative Commons website.
Our task during the lesson was to find music from the website called 'creative commons' which would be suitable for the short clip provided from a teen movie called 'Submarine'.
We learnt that it is important that we use sound that is copyright free because of the consequences such as breaking the law.
We firstly opened up final cut pro to import the provided clip...
2) The concept behind creative commons
Step by step guide on how to use creative commons and download the sound you want LEGALLY!
This is the first page you will see when you're on the Creative Commons website.
On the same page, you will see various boxes and the one you need is the EXPLORE box and click the 'Find CC-licensed works'.
You will then be taken to this page shown above. You have a range of independent organisations that help you download music, images, vidoes etc which is indicated under each organisation name e.g. Soundcloud for music, Pixabay for images.
You then click on which one you want to use to search for your music and it will be highlighted for you so you know which one you have chosen and then you type what sort of music or artist you want at the search bar.
In this case, we have chosen Soundcloud which in our opinion is the quickest and easiest search engine. We randomly typed in 'Chilled' and then came up a range of sounds associated with the keyword Chilled.
To download the sound is very simple, there is a 'download' button at the bottom of each sound and once you've clicked that, your sound will automatically download and be saved in your 'downloads'.
Tuesday, 21 January 2014
Representation task: Identification of stereotypes in teen films
Identification of Stereotypes in Teen Films
1.The Jock
In 'Not Another Teen Movie' the jock is the most common stereotypes in a teen film and was the main stereotype in this film. All the jocks were wearing a distinctive jock jacket which made the audience aware that they were jocks. Most were typically good looking and fairly tall. Also there was one main jock that ran the school and had most of the girls drooling for him.

2.The Black guy
In most of the teen movies I have seen there is a stereotypical black guy. In most of these films the black guy might be in the popular group but doesn't seem to always fit in and also give an impression they are intimidating and might be an outsider in the popular group.
3.The 'pretty popular girls'
The stereotype of the slutty girls is also one of the main characters portrayed in teen movies. In most film they are always portrayed as the girl who is at the centre of all the drama and attention. However at the end of the film it does not plan out how they want it and ends badly for them.
3.The Geeks
The geek is commonly always picked on by the jocks and all the other popular boy and girls. They always seem to fall for the most prettiest girl who is also the most meanest. Furthermore, they also seem to wear glasses, checkered shirt and having a backpack and holding books. They are usually male in teen movies rather than being female geeks. However, there are some female geeks who are all portrayed to be ugly and uncool.
5.The perfect Girl
The perfect is always seem to be in a teen movie because they are usually 'the good girl'. They are always have something different about them. The character of the perfect girl is flawless, this includes her having perfect hair, beautiful looks, well dressed and is seen usually walking slowly past their admirer.

The Breakfast Club Remake
This is our groups re-make of The Breakfast club traveling and arriving scene. This task particularly was difficult because when we was recoding, it was hard to capture the right shots and to also use our imagination as there were no 'real' cars involved . Although in our group we never used toy cars due to the struggle we had and the limited number of toy cars we had been provided with.
The costumes we had used had to clearly represent each character , so it was visible for the audience to know who played who. We used a variety of costumes which benefited us well .
Even though we only have four people in our group we had to play other roles but we still incorporated other extras into our group to help us out.
We could have made some good changes but because of the time we was given we were unable to further develop our ideas to making our re-make as similar to the original as possible. While recording we had a few complications as the lighting and camera angles weren't exactually how it was in the original .Due to this problem we had taken many shots from each scene and then later picked the best one while we were editing .
What happens at the start of a Film?
What happens at the start of a Film?
Institution idents:
In the early stages during the beginning part of the film the institution ident is displayed to show the audience to help acknowledge who has helped distribute or broadcast these films.
Production Companies:
After the institution idents, the production company is then displayed next with its known theme tune and logo. This make the audience aware of who has contributed to the film etc.
Production Companies:
After the institution idents, the production company is then displayed next with its known theme tune and logo. This make the audience aware of who has contributed to the film etc.
Title sequence including list of cast + film title:
Title sequence including list of cast + film title:
The title sequence is important because it helps the audience know what they are watching, also the list of the main characters are shown to give some accreditation for there film and to also promote the actor and actresses.
Music is played during the beginning of the film because it helps the audience to get a feel of the film and create a mood for the audience to be comfortable.

Main Characters:
Sense of plot and storyline

Main Characters:
The main characters are key during the beginning of the film because it tells the audience who's important and play a key part during the film.
Established location
Whilst the film play out a setting or location is revealed so the audience becomes aware or has some sort of idea what the film is about and the setting or location can also show a ranged of different places to show other aspects of the film.
The plot and storyline makes up the entire film. It tells us what is happening, what could possibly happen and by also foreshadowing the future. The success of the storyline or plot makes it entertaining but could also relate to us as people in life.
Shot by shot remake- The Breakfast Club
Here are a few pictures when filming and editing the remake of The Breakfast Club
The photography part of the remake was a bit complicated, as we often found ourselves too occupied with filming and editing that we forgot to take pictures at times. Nonetheless, we used a few different shot types in order to fully capture the experience of filming and editing.
Sunday, 19 January 2014
Shot by shot remake Task
In our selected groups we were given the task to re-make the traveling opening scene to the teen movie,The Breakfast club. The opening consists of each student arriving at their school by either being dropped off by their parent or even by walking. Each character arrives in a transport which portrays their status in society. For instance, 'the criminal' walks to school by himself because his parents don't really acknowledge his presence or being . Another example is of 'The princess' her father drops her off at school in their flashy BMW being all nice to her even though she's in for detention .
It also states the different types of stereotypes and how they are seen by their parents and others around them .To make it noticeable, the characters are dressed in a way which expresses them as an individual but also by their upbringing.
props ~ In my group we used a variety of props such as objects like empty bottles to toy cars trying to make our re-make as imaginative as possible.
costume ~ we tried our bests to achieve the look of each character. Clothing like a varsity jacket which indicated that they were the athlete and a large hooded coat and rough clothing demonstrating to us that they were the criminal.
locations ~ Being as imaginative as possible , we explored different parts of the college and used it in our re-make. There were some difficulties while recording as the lighting was partially bad and some areas were too loud to record a scene so we had to use other areas.
Sunday, 12 January 2014
The Breakfast Club- Shot by shot remake
- Andrew 'Andy' - The athlete/Jock
- Brian - The brain
- John - The criminal/Rebel
- Claire - The princess/beauty
- Allison - The basketcase/ Reckless
- Hoodie/Jersey/baseball jacket, sun glasses, green sweater, hat, long jacket or robe, red scarf,
- Car, string, rubbish/litter, newspaper, marker pen, graffiti/scratches on wood, clock, gym clothes, school year book, vote for prom queen poster, lockers, trophy cabinet
- Candi college; classrooms, canteen, entrance of the college, hallway
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