What happens at the start of a Film?
Institution idents:
In the early stages during the beginning part of the film the institution ident is displayed to show the audience to help acknowledge who has helped distribute or broadcast these films.
Production Companies:
After the institution idents, the production company is then displayed next with its known theme tune and logo. This make the audience aware of who has contributed to the film etc.
Production Companies:
After the institution idents, the production company is then displayed next with its known theme tune and logo. This make the audience aware of who has contributed to the film etc.
Title sequence including list of cast + film title:
Title sequence including list of cast + film title:
The title sequence is important because it helps the audience know what they are watching, also the list of the main characters are shown to give some accreditation for there film and to also promote the actor and actresses.
Music is played during the beginning of the film because it helps the audience to get a feel of the film and create a mood for the audience to be comfortable.

Main Characters:
Sense of plot and storyline

Main Characters:
The main characters are key during the beginning of the film because it tells the audience who's important and play a key part during the film.
Established location
Whilst the film play out a setting or location is revealed so the audience becomes aware or has some sort of idea what the film is about and the setting or location can also show a ranged of different places to show other aspects of the film.
The plot and storyline makes up the entire film. It tells us what is happening, what could possibly happen and by also foreshadowing the future. The success of the storyline or plot makes it entertaining but could also relate to us as people in life.
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