Tuesday 4 March 2014

Filming Plan

During our filming, we decided to make a rough plan about what we are doing in each scene which made things much more easier rather than having a rough idea in our heads.

Here is our rough plan

Scene 1
Alisha dead on the floor (close up) Flashback
Jerome crying + speech

Just before scene 2 begins, we chose to have a narrator speaking which is Jerome and he introduces his story.

Scene 2
The story begins.
Jerome and friends (gang) are chilling

Scene 3

Jerome and Alisha first meet at a train station (Highbury & Islington)
Alsiha is sitting down and Jerome asks for a seat near her.

Scene 4
Alisha and Sarah (friends) are out shopping. Whilst walking out the shop, Alisha bumps into Jerome again.

Scene 5
Jerome is initially meant to be with Omar, however, Jerome lies to Omar saying he is busy, but Omar catches him and Alisha togther.

Scene 6
All 3 characters are seem together, Omar is angry that Jerome has not only been lying but spending time with a GIRL. Jerome notices that Omar has a gun and the pair make a run for it.

Scene 7
As the pair run off with Omar chasing after them, they accidenatlly split up and Alisha is the one who gets hunted down. The scene ends with her lying on the floor. Shot dead.

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