Teen films is a type of genre targeted at teenagers and young adults where the plot is mainly based on their interests and problems they come across e.g. love/relationships, coming of age, rebellion, and family conflict.
Who watches them?
Teen films are mainly targeted at teens and young adults, however many adults watch teen movies to reminisce their youth or for educational purposes such as finding out more about the current youth generation.
What are the common sub genres?
Some common sub genres are; romance, comedy which are usually explicit, exaggerated and extreme this may be in order to reinforce the message it is trying to portray or maybe make the viewers who have been or sit currently in similar situations feel more comfortable, there are also, horror, realist low budget drama e.g. kidulthood, fantasy, psychological thriller etc.
Type of characters seen in teen films?
The type of typical characters seen in teen films is the bully(ies), nerds/geeks, popular hot girl and boy, the quiet one.
Where teen films are mainly located?
- Typical locations within the home in teen films: Bedroom, kitchen, bathroom
- Within the school/college :Hall/lockers, car park, toilets, classrooms
- 'hang out' locations: Diner, parties, friend's house, cinema
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