Wednesday, 11 December 2013

My 3 Teen Movies


She’s all that


The audience for ‘she’s all that’ are mostly teenage girls. This is because this is a stage in which girls feel to express their inner self and is the beginning of being in a relationship. It also gives hope and sends out a message to all girls demonstrating to them that you don’t have to change your looks or personality for the opposite sex to find them appealing.
The genre of this film is a ROM COM, it appeals to females mostly as the focus is mainly on the ‘good looking’ guy to try and find a girl to take to the homecoming dance. Although it is a bit of a cliché towards the end, the story line is still interesting and entertaining.

The fact that it had been filmed in a school and home suggests to the audience that us as teenagers spend more time at school and in our homes.

Easy A

The audience for ‘Easy A’ could possibly be both teenage girls and boys. My opinion of this is because the storyline could be referred to either a girl or boy being harassed and judged for lying about what they’ve done. It reveals to teenagers that making mistakes has its consequences.

Easy A is a ‘chick flick’ but based around it being a ROM COM. It appeals to both genders even though it tells us about the life of a teenage girl. Having a teenage girl as one of the main characters portray to the audience that girls are likely to go through situations like these.

It had also been filmed in a school and home. This tells us that most teenage films have something in common. The setting being based in a home and school shows to us that teenagers mostly spend all our time in those places.

Harry potter and the Deathly Hallows 1 and 2


Harry Potter and the deathly hallows 1 and 2 have the target audience of both teenage girls and boys. This is because Harry Potter is not based on targeting a certain gender as it could appeal to anyone interested in it.

Harry Potter is made up of a combination of action, adventure and fantasy. It appeals to both genders. My reason for this is because it is aimed towards teenagers in general rather than picking specific gender groups.

It had also been filmed in a range of different places, this gives the viewers a chance to experience and live in the moment of the action being taken place. The storyline makes everyone including young adults to feel emotional when certain events occur like the battle in Harry Potter and the deathly hallows part 2.

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