Saturday 4 January 2014 Teen movie



Storyline is a teen movie filmed in London and is directed by Noel Clark and Mark Davis. Its about 4 friends who met one another at a diner. The film portrays their individual lives and the problems they face .They come across a bag of diamonds and people who try to mess up their lives.They are individually different as characters.They are made up of characters such as the posh rich girl,the homosexual,the American and the quite one.

They are individually different as characters. They are made up of characters such as the posh rich girl,the homosexual black girl,the American and the quite one.

Conventions ...
Who is the target audience ?
 The target audience of is aimed at are young teenagers girls who could relate to one of these characters and the issues they are going through .

What sub genres are common ?  
The sub genres that are common in this film are action and TV drama. Action is  a rare genre to associate teenage girls with but as it is based in London there are some scenes with violence and explicit scenes.

Conventional themes 
Themes such as money, crime, trust, family conflict, friendship and partying are seen throughout the movie.

The location changes from being in the home to hotels,clubs,street locations and other locations.Although there are places like home which are one of the most popular places to have filmed a scene in.

The main characters are all teenagers and their parents. It reveals to us their lifestyle and what they get up to daily.

The range of costumes used in the film are mainly branded designer clothes for Cassandra as she's rich and the others are dressed to their characters personality. Along the film their dress since differs due to what they are doing .

Urban music was played and music from Adam Deacon who is a character in the film as well.

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